New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple Pie

Here is the link to the Apple Pie I told you all about with a whole wheat crust!
Like I said - he uses a half a stick of butter cut into pieces and placed on top of the apples and under the top crust.  Then he bastes the crust with melted butter before he bakes it (and even more basting with butter halfway through the baking!).

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