New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Couples Night: Thanksgiving Dinner with Kristi Williams and Michelle Beattie

Holiday Bacon Appetizer (click here for the recipe)

I just followed the directions on the oven bag to bake the turkey.  I rinse the turkey, slather it in vegetable oil, season with salt and lots of pepper.  I also throw in an onion and celery to the bag as well as the cavity of the turkey.

To make gravy: I take all the drippings and warm in a sauce pan over medium heat.  Add pepper, season salt to taste.  I then put a few tablespoons of corn starch in a bowl and mix with COLD water until a thin paste forms.  Whisk into gravy to thicken then add more pepper and season salt.  If it gets too thick, add hot water to thin out.

Chocolate Cream Pie (click here for the recipe)
I used a traditional crust instead of Graham Cracker crust