New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Sarah's Gluten and Dairy FREE night!

Arancini Appetizers

*if wanting to make these GF use the brand Aleias for the panko.  Used Almond flour for the all-purpose flour
*if wanting to make these DF you can use plant base cheese (like Miyokos) and also plant base butter (Miyokos)
*if wanted to make these cow DF you can use cheese like Pecorino or Goat (substitution for parmesan & mozzarella)

to make DF I used plant base butter (Miyoko) or Ghee would work also
Try to get potatoes  that are big since you cut them in half (mine were a bit too small)

I cooked mine on the Traeger, but I am sure the oven would be just fine

To make this DF I used plant base whipping cream from Country Crock