New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Lindsay’s new & tried and true recipes


Pull apart bread:
Sushi cups:
I just made up my own recipe for the filling, but used the rice/vinegar recipe from the link.  I put cream cheese, cucumber and avocado in the little cups then added sesame seeds and seaweed snack pieces that I cut into small pieces.  I drizzled yum-yum sauce and sriracha sauce over the top.  To form the cups, I balled a teaspoon or two size of rice into a mini muffin tin and then used the back of a teaspoon that I’d sprayed with cooking spray to get the shape.  The rice is kind pretty sticky, and sometimes a little hard to work with but overall it really wasn’t too bad!

Yum-Yum sauce:
Olive Oil cake: