New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Amy's Breakfast dinner night

Appetizer -
Maple Candied Bacon
The author is right - the bacon needs the full 30-35 min. cooking time.  The pieces of bacon against the sides cook faster so you may need to remove those at 20 min, then keep checking the remaining pieces every few minutes.  Watch it like a hawk!

Glazed Apple Crumb Muffins

Award Winning Zucchini Bread
you only need 1 recipe of topping for 2 breads.  Just put the topping on then bake for 1 hour.

Main Course-
***On Both of these baked french toast recipes I recommend not using the "American version" of french bread, buy a bakery bread that has some density to it, otherwise the dish ends up very soggy.  You can even let the bread sit out for a day, or slice and bake it for a few minutes to let it stale/crisp a bit so that it soaks up the egg nicely.
Personally I think there is nothing to be gained "flavor" wise by soaking it in the egg mixture over night.  It does make things easy in the morning - but you run the risk of it being soggy.  These dishes can be made and immediately cooked (just press the bread down real good with your hands in the egg mixture and toss a few times to help it soak in).  You could also assemble it the night before but add the egg mixture the next morning before cooking.

**For the Gluten free version I found a 2pack of small french baguettes in the freezer aisle at Harmons by all the other gluten free frozen breads.

Strawberry Rhubarb Baked French Toast (I only used 1 1/2 C. of milk and I used lemon zest instead of orange)
*Tip: Rhubarb can be chopped up and frozen for later use in recipes like this!

Berry Baked French Toast
use 1 sliced round "authentic" french loaf of bread (don't use the heel)
dip both sides of the bread in this egg mixture:
4 eggs
1/2 C. milk
1 tsp. vanilla

then spread this mixture onto both sides of each slice
Melt together
1 C. butter
2 C. brown sugar
2 T. corn syrup

Place one layer of egg-dipped bread slices in the bottom of a 9x13 pan.  Sprinkle a frozen blend of berries on top then Layer with more french bread slices.  You can spoon some of the remaining egg mixture over top- just don't do too much or it will be soggy!  (You can also use pears, peaches, apples, etc. between the slices).  You can bake immediately, or let it sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.
Bake at 350 for 25 min.

Carmel Syrup
1 C Buttermilk
2 Cubes Butter
2 Cups Sugar
1 tsp. Soda
2 Tbsp. Karo Syrup

Boil this for 5 min stirring occasionally. This will expand so use a very large soup or stock pot.

Then add-
2 tsp vanilla

I keep this in a jar in the fridge. It hardens, but you just pop it in the microwave for a minute or two (stir in between if needed).
Coconut Syrup
1 1/2 Cups Sugar
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup butter
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp coconut flavoring

Bring to boil, take off heat add vanilla or coconut flavoring.

Just a scoop of lemon gelato (I found some in the ice-cream isle at Harmons) with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over top, sprinkle with Kosher Salt, then drizzle with honey.

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