New Blog!

This is a group of 13 friends and neighbors that get together once a month to enjoy good food and share recipes. Each month a different girl hosts and does all the cooking. Every few months we have a "couples night" which means we get to bring our husbands and two girls work together to host the increased crowd. By the years end, each of us has only had to cook one great meal and in exchange you get to enjoy 9 others!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Michelle T and Brittany's couples night


I used hibiscus herbal tea packets from Harmons.  I made a hibiscus syrup and a simple syrup and mix with fresh lemon juice to taste.

Classic Bruschetta  Brittany changed this up a little by adding 3 types of Basil (Italian, spicy globe, and the normal variety)

I used a sirloin cut for the steak.  Make sure to marinate the mushrooms too!

Liz’s Bistro Salad

This salad was crazy simple and yummy!  I chopped everything up before hand and added the dressing right before serving.  The onions are super easy to pickle, but they are available in store too!


It works well to combine the beans, dressing and onion before to let them marinate.  Add the parley and feta right before serving.  If you are planning on leftovers, I would spoon the feta on individual plates.  The feta gets kind of mushy after sitting in the marinade for a bit.

Sourdough Focaccia

The directions on this recipe are annoying.  I've weighed the flour, measured the flour, and I still end of with a VERY loose dough.  I usually end up adding at least a cup of flour, so don't worry if you need to add more.  The dough is still too loose to kneed so I just do it with the mixier.  
I've made it serval times and here is my order: 
1- wake up my starter either the night before or day before
2-make the dough, no need to wait to add the salt (do 1/2 the salt amount as recipe indicates) just have your mixer kneed it.
3-let rise 5-6 hours or overnight
4-put in pan with olive oil, let rise, top with flake salt found at world market or Harmons and Italian seasoning
5- bake (it only took 20 minutes in my convection oven)
6. top with olive oil. It's always yummier when I am generous with the olive oil.

I doubled the amount of blackberries.  It uses an crazy amount of lemon zest, so make some lemonade too!  One large lemon equals about a one tablespoon of zest.  I just made the cake again and added less powdered sugar to the icing and omitted the milk.  I liked that it was less sweet.  I just used lavender from the neighbors.  Culinary lavender is harvested before it blooms.  Mine were already blooming, but I think it worked just as well.